[caption id="attachment_278" align="alignleft" width="198"]

The Thomas Dean Windowpane Button Down Sport Shirt[/caption]
Last summer I was having dinner with a friend at
Brant Point Grill on Nantucket. It was a balmy night in early June and I arrived a little earlier than my dining companion did, but when he arrived, we all turned to look at him in the doorway. Backlit by the setting sun like the hero in a romantic comedy, in his khakis, navy blue blazer and crisp pink shirt, he made quite the appearance. There is something about a man in a pink shirt that just works.
We know that it can seems scary for a guy to wear a pink shirt but trust us, we wouldn't lead you astray. Be confident, be bold in your choice and it works.
Need more proof. Here are the top ten reasons why you should wear a
pink shirt:
1. Because
Elvis did.
2. Women are naturally drawn to
3. Wearing
pink near your face makes you look healthy.
Pink is a shade of red which is a power color. So pink = power without having to scream it.
Pink is a happy color. Wear
pink and people around you will be happy.
Pink goes with everything -- brown, black, orange, blue, white, green. . .You can't possibly mess up wearing
7. A
pink shirt under a blue blazer is classic. Wear
pink under a black pin-striped blazer for an edgier look.
8. Did we mention women are drawn to
Pink is the color of romance.
10. A man who wears
pink believes in strong espresso, vacations by the sea, Sunday family dinners (they're sacred), dogs who smile and the fact that confidence comes from living your life true to your convictions.
Celebrate the guy that you are this Valentine's Day. Wear
Also try:
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The Thomas Dean Poplin Stripe Button Down Sport Shirt[/caption]
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The Thomas Dean 2 Button Herringbone Jacket[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_281" align="alignleft" width="278"]

Pair a crisp pink shirt with these Thomas Dean navy suede chukkas[/caption]